On Tops Roofing Blog

Things That Can Go Wrong During a Roof Replacement

Written by Chris Talton | Aug 16, 2023

A roof replacement is a significant investment for homeowners, aiming to ensure the protection and longevity of their homes. While most roof replacement projects go smoothly, there are potential challenges that can arise during the process. As a homeowner, being aware of these possible issues can help you better prepare and work closely with your roofing contractor to address any concerns.

In this blog, we'll explore common situations that could potentially go wrong during a roof replacement and provide insights on how to handle them effectively.



Alright, let’s get into it!

Weather Interruption

One of the most unpredictable challenges during a roof replacement is weather interruption. North Carolina experiences a variety of weather conditions throughout the year, from sudden summer rain showers to extreme temperature fluctuations in both winter and summer. These weather elements can significantly impact the installation process, causing delays and potential safety hazards for the roofing crew. Roofers often monitor weather forecasts carefully and plan the replacement accordingly to minimize the risk of weather-related interruptions. In the event of unexpected rain, for example, roofers may temporarily halt work and ensure the roof is properly covered with tarps or other protective materials to prevent water damage to the exposed underlayment and decking.

Unexpected Damage Found by Your Roofer

During a roof replacement, your experienced roofing contractor may come across unexpected damage to the existing roof structure. Common issues include damaged or rotted wood decking, water infiltration due to inadequate flashing, or hidden structural problems that compromise the roof's stability. It's essential for homeowners to understand that these issues may need immediate attention to prevent further damage to the newly installed roof. Reputable roofers will communicate any findings with the homeowner, explaining the extent of the damage and providing a detailed plan for repair. Addressing these issues promptly is crucial to maintaining the integrity of the new roof and avoiding more extensive and costly repairs down the road.

Your Vehicle Gets Blocked In

Roof replacements often involve a significant amount of materials and equipment, which might result in limited parking space during the project. To avoid potential inconvenience, homeowners should take proactive measures to ensure their vehicles are moved from the work area before the roofing crew arrives. This simple step can prevent any disruptions caused by blocked driveways or parking spaces and ensure the smooth progress of the roof replacement. Open communication with the roofing company can also help homeowners plan for alternative parking arrangements during the replacement process and avoid any unexpected hassles.

An Inexperienced Roofer Causes Damage

Hiring an experienced and reputable roofing contractor is essential to avoid potential issues caused by inexperienced roofers. Signs of an inexperienced roofer may include lack of proper licensing and insurance, failure to provide references, or vague project estimates without specific details. Homeowners should do their due diligence by researching and interviewing multiple roofing contractors. Look for companies with a solid track record of successful roof replacements, positive customer reviews, and clear communication about the scope of work and timelines. Investing in an experienced roofing contractor will not only ensure quality workmanship but also provide peace of mind throughout the replacement process.

Improper Installation Voids Your Warranty

A roof replacement involves more than just shingle replacement; it requires a complete roofing system with proper flashing, underlayment, and other essential roofing accessories. Many asphalt shingle manufacturers have specific installation guidelines that must be followed to maintain the validity of their warranties. A failure to adhere to these guidelines or an improper installation can result in the warranty being voided. Reputable roofing contractors are well-versed in manufacturer guidelines and take great care to ensure proper installation, maximizing the benefits of the warranty for homeowners. By choosing a trusted roofing company with a track record of successful installations, homeowners can rest assured that their roof replacement will be completed according to industry standards and manufacturer specifications, preserving the warranty coverage and protecting their investment for years to come.

How to Deal with Unexpected Delays

Despite careful planning, unexpected delays can still occur during a roof replacement project. These delays could be caused by weather, unforeseen structural issues, material availability, or other factors beyond the roofer's control. Homeowners should understand that such delays are not uncommon and that experienced roofing contractors will communicate any changes to the timeline promptly. Open communication between the homeowner and the roofing company can help manage expectations and allow for flexibility in the schedule, ensuring a successful roof replacement.

Protecting Your Property and Landscaping

Roof replacements involve significant activity and may result in potential risks to the property and landscaping around the house. Heavy equipment, ladders, and falling debris can inadvertently damage plants, hardscaping, and other outdoor features. Reputable roofing contractors take precautions to protect the homeowner's property during the replacement process. This may include using plywood or tarps to cover delicate landscaping, setting up safety measures to prevent debris from causing damage, and conducting a thorough cleanup after the project is completed. Homeowners should discuss their concerns with the roofing company and ensure that measures are in place to protect their property.

A roof replacement is a significant investment, and being aware of potential challenges can help homeowners be better prepared for the process. Weather interruptions, unexpected damage, and other issues can arise during a roof replacement, but with careful planning and the expertise of a reputable roofing contractor, homeowners can navigate these challenges successfully. By working closely with their chosen roofing company and addressing any issues promptly, homeowners can ensure a smooth and successful roof replacement that provides long-lasting protection for their homes.

On Tops Roofing has been helping homeowners in the Raleigh, North Carolina area through their roof replacement process since we opened up in 1991! With over 30 years of experience, whatever your roof requires, We’re on it!